Our desire is that every Christ-follower is an active member of a local church and to know what spiritual gifts God has given them for building up the church and the common good. Once you have an idea of how God has gifted you with unique manifestations of the Spirit, use the following next-step guide to help you develop and deploy your gifts as good stewards of God’s varied grace.
The gift of administration is the divine enablement to understand what makes an organization function; and the special ability to plan and execute procedures that accomplish the goals of the ministry.
1 Corinthians 12:28; Acts 6:1-5; Luke 14:28-30; Titus 1:5
As this is such a context dependent gift, it’s probably worth looking at the specific ways you can deploy your gift in the local church and develop specific skills off the back of that.
“The Gift of Governments” by Chuck Smith
Speak to your Life Group Leader and ask if you can contribute administratively to your group with things like rosters, planning events etc...
Speak to the Ops or Events person and ask if there are ways you can share their load in terms of general church administration and events. There could be back-end system tasks you could aid in or you could step in as “covering ops” on the occasional Sunday so that the regular ops person can get a week off to just attend church or take leave. You could also help organize church-wide events in a number of ways.
Speak to the elders so they are aware that your particular gift could also be deployed periodically i.e. needing to plan the functioning of a new ministry etc...
Do you have the results of your Spiritual Gifts test? Want to find out more about the results of your spiritual gifts and how you can either develop or deploy them within your community?
Our desire is that every Christ-follower is an active member of a local church and to know what spiritual gifts God has given them for building up the church and the common good.
Once you have an idea of how God has gifted you with unique manifestations of the Spirit, navigate through the various gifts below and see how you can develop and deploy your gifts as good stewards of God’s varied grace.
If you haven’t done so yet, why not give our Glorious Gifts podcast a listen where we’re currently working through what spiritual gifts are and how we can use them to glorify God.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us on seapoint@commonground.co.za or via Whatsapp on +27 76 509 0238.