The Advance Theology Course

As a part of the Advance Movement of churches, we have the benefit of shared resources and gifts, and one of them is this biblical theology course.


Anybody keen to grow and willing to work, but especially for potential and aspiring leaders, particularly those currently serving in a leadership capacity (elders, deacons, community group leaders, worship leaders, etc).

We ask that everyone who participates in the course already be an active member of a CG Sea Point Life Group as this course is a supplement to our regular rhythms as opposed to a replacement, and it’s a chance to go deeper theologically and relationally.


The Advance Theology Course covers the entire storyline of Scripture, summarizes key theological doctrines, and highlights key points in the history of the church.

The course is broken up into 45 sessions that fall into 7 modules as follows:

Module 1 – The Pentateuch

Module 2 – Conquest to monarchy

Module 3 - Division to exile

Module 4 – Exile and return

Module 5 – The Gospels

Module 6 – The Church age

Module 7 – Scripture to Theology


Participants would prepare for sessions by reading around 10 chapters of the Bible or roughly 5 pages of excerpts.

Participants would also prepare by watching the teaching video for that session from Andrew Wilson which ranges from around 25 minutes to a little over an hour depending on the session.

Participants would then gather online or in-person for between an hour to an hour and a half to worship, pray and discuss the content.

There is also an optional paid assessment track where you can submit written work and receive feedback from a course convenor.



The content of this course centres on the Scriptures with everything revolving around their teachings. Expect to read, meditate on, and study the Scriptures constantly.


We believe the Spirit must instruct and apply any truth we come across. He turns it from information into revelation and devotion. Expect to pray, sing, minister and walk in the Spirit.


This course is intentionally designed for the group to grow together in Christ. Expect to pray for one another, discuss the material and work together toward growth.


We receive the Gospel freely and are expected to freely give it away to others. Consider this course an activation point for giving away what you will be learning. Expect to communicate the truths you learn, to contribute to the development of the course, and to invite others into the discipleship journey with you.


This is a self-organized course, and as such is constantly running and groups of people can start the course whenever they’d like.

Groups should be no bigger than three people (with the exception of perhaps two married couples), as this allows for maximum discussion time, intimate conversation and relationship building as well as practically making the regular meeting times easier to organize.

It is our experience that in our context trying to find regular meeting gaps for groups bigger than 3 becomes harder and harder to do.

We suggest that participants take turns to “drive” each module and act as the facilitator for the sessions in those modules.

Based on how regularly you meet, the course will take between 18 and 24 months. As this is self organized, the time, place, regularity of meetings are up to you as a group. You could meet weekly and then take breaks between modules, or meet every second week consistently without breaks. We don’t suggest making a rhythm of only every three to four weeks as this will drag the course out and slow down momentum.


Once you have found a course partner, or group of three, contact Kyle Peters at with your group’s details, including who’s Life Groups the members are in, and he will provide you with online access to the content and check in occasionally to encourage you and check on your progress.