We are a church for all people, from all backgrounds.
We’d love to help you take the next step in getting connected.
To all who are weary and need rest;
to all who mourn and long for comfort;
to all who feel worthless and wonder if God cares;
to all who have joy and are ready to praise;
to all who fail and desire strength;
to all who worry and want peace;
to all who sin and need a Savior;
to all who hunger and thirst for righteousness;
This church opens wide her doors with the welcome from Jesus himself, friend of sinners.
Where do you find yourself today?
Just visiting?
Exploring faith?
Ready to get stuck in?
Just visiting?
We know that many people visit our church—whether you're passing through, exploring faith, or just here for a season. While you may not be able to fully plug into this community, we still want to serve and equip you on your journey.
That’s why we’ve put together a range of resources to help you explore faith and grow in your walk with God, wherever life takes you next. We hope these tools will encourage and strengthen you during your time with us and beyond.
Check them out below:

Exploring Faith?
Look out for our next Alpha Course!
The Alpha Course offers a unique opportunity for individuals to explore the foundations of the Christian faith in a relaxed and open-minded setting. It's more than just a series of sessions; it's an engaging and inclusive space where questions are encouraged, and diverse perspectives are valued.
Ready to get stuck in?
Want to know what’s happening in and around our congregation? Join our broadcast messaging list! Simply save this number, +27 76 509 0238, on WhatsApp, then send us a message with your full name and which service you attend (AM/PM). We’ll keep you updated with everything you need to know!
(i.e. Jane Doe PM)
Curious about what we believe? Our Exploring Membership course is the perfect next step to get to know us better. Join us for our next course, for more info, just drop us an email at info@cgseapoint.co.za.
Find your community! Looking to make Common Ground Sea Point your home? We highly recommend joining a Life Group to connect deeper with others and grow in God’s word.
Hop on over to our Facebook page to get up-to-date information and interact alongside members of the congregation.
Follow us on Instagram to keep up-to-date on what’s happening in our congregation and interact alongside other members.