Men's Morning
Men, you’re invited to a morning of encouragement, connection, and great conversation with Rigby Wallace (Advance Movement). Expect fresh insights, good company, and, of course, solid refreshments.
DATE: 15th March
TIME: 9am to 11am
VENUE: Anderson Hall, CG Sea Point

Monthly Prayer Meeting
Once a month, we set aside time to gather and pray—not just for our church but for our wider Sea Point community and all that God is doing in His kingdom. Every first Tuesday from 8am–9am in the Anderson Hall, you’re invited to join the base team as we bring our prayers before God together. Whether you come every month or this is your first time, we'd love to have you with us!
DATE: Tuesday, the 8th April
VENUE: Anderson Hall, Common Ground Sea Point
TIME: 8am - 9am

Who's Coming for Lunch?
Sharing a meal with our fellow Christ followers is nourishment for our souls. It is a time to get to know one another, making our Sunday meetings feel more like home. We are looking for people to host lunch in their homes. Once we have an idea of how many people can be hosted, we'll put out an invite for guests.
Read below to find out more about what the role of hosting entails and fill the form out so we can see how we can best connect you into our community.
Hosts are willing to have a few members of the church over for lunch in their home.
Hosts can choose to cater the whole meal or ask each guest to contribute by bringing something to share.
Below are questions about your capacity to host which will enable us to match you with attendees.
This is a no pressure moment, we are just looking for people who are willing to open their home to others.
Sign up to host: Here.
An attendee is a person who isn't able to host but is keen to join for lunch.
Your host might ask you to contribute by bringing something to share or they might choose to cater the whole meal themselves.
Answer the questions below so we can best match you to a host.
Sign up to attend Here.
DATE: Sunday 13 April 2025
VENUE: In Your Home
Time: 13:00-15:00pm
Sign up to host: Here. | Sign up to attend Here.
If you have any questions please contact Nadine on events@cgseapoint.co.za
Please don't let finances or fear of not knowing anyone stop you from joining.
Share your concerns with us so we can find a way for you to join in this family moment.

Worship Evening (Cycle Tour)
With the Cape Town Cycle Tour happening on Sunday, March 10th, we won’t be having our usual morning meeting at 10:30am. Instead, why not make the most of the day? Head out, cheer on the cyclists, and support family and friends taking part in the race. Then, in the evening, let’s come together for a special Worship Evening at 6pm—a time to pause, praise, and lift our hearts in worship as one church. This is an open invitation to everyone, so bring a friend and join us as we fix our eyes on Jesus.
DATE: Sunday, 9th March
VENUE: CG Sea Point
TIME: 6pm