“Dedication means that by word and example, you promise to teach your child to live a holy life and to value the good gifts God has given us. You promise to give your child every opportunity and encouragement to discover Christ and to develop into the well-rounded Christian individual God intends him or her to be. ”
Some Christian churches baptize infants by sprinkling them with water. In those churches the covenant of baptism is seen as being similar to the Old Testament covenant of circumcision. Other Christians don't baptize infants. Instead they dedicate babies to God. There are several reasons for this which you can read more about in the document available for download below.
Common Ground Church does not baptize infants. Christian parents are encouraged to dedicate their children to God during a public worship service. If you would like to know why we don’t believe in infant baptism, please see the resource below.
As a church we love these moments where parents get to promise, before their church community, to raise their children in the ways of the Lord. It is a moment for both the parents and the church community to dedicate themselves to this as both parties have a role to play.
Parenting is so hard and we need one another for encouragement and support!
With that in mind, we ask that families who are wanting to dedicate their children at Common Ground Church Sea Point to
become part of the community - join us regularly on Sundays, do the Exploring Membership course and look to join a life group.
If you are already part of our community then please email: info@cgseapoint.co.za
to find out what the next steps to dedicating your child.